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2017-07-13  点击:[]

游和远,男,博士,浙江温州人。推荐十大靠谱网赌平台教授,硕导,入选浙江省高校中青年学科带头人、浙江省“151”人才第三层次,浙江省“之江青年”社科学者,浙江省高校中青年学科带头人。本科、硕士、博士分别毕业于华中农业大学、华中科技大学与浙江大学土地资源管理专业。2015年在台湾高校访问交流。2019-2020年在北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校访学交流。担任《Land use policy》、《Cities》、《Agricultural systems》、《Social Indicator Research》、《自然资源学报》、《农业经济问题》、《中国人口资源环境》等期刊的匿名审稿人。

主要从事土地利用与管理、土地政策与城市发展方向的研究。在《管理世界》、《农业经济问题》、《经济地理》、《自然资源学报》、《农业工程学报》、《中国土地科学》、《Land Use Policy》、《Habitat International》、《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》、《Environment, Development and Sustainability》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Quality & Quantity》、《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》、《Island Studies Journal》等国内外刊物上发表论文30余篇。主持2项国家级课题;主持8项省部级课题。获浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖。



[1]You H, Wu S, Wu X, et al. The underlying influencing factors of farmland transfer in urbanizing China: implications for sustainable land use goals[J].Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020: 1-24.

[2]You H, Zhou D, Wu S, et al. Social deprivation and rural public health in China: Exploring the relationship using spatial regression[J].Social Indicators Research, 2020, 147(3): 843-864.

[3]You, Heyuan. Agricultural landscape dynamics in response to economic transition: Comparisons between different spatial planning zones in Ningbo region, China[J].Land Use Policy, 2017, 61:316-328.

[4]You, Heyuan. Orienting rocky desertification towards sustainable land use: An advanced remote sensing tool to guide the conservation policy[J].Land Use Policy, 2017, 61:171-184.

[5]You, Heyuan, and Bie,Chenmeng. You H, Bie C. Creative class agglomeration across time and space in knowledge city: Determinants and their relative importance[J].Habitat International, 2017, 60:91-100.

[6]You, Heyuan. Quantifying megacity growth in response to economic transition: a case of Shanghai, China[J].Habitat International, 2016, 53: 115-122.

[7]You, Heyuan, and Zhang Xiaoling. Sustainable livelihoods and rural sustainability in China: Ecologically secure, economically efficient or socially equitable?[J].Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2017, 120:1-13.

[8]You, Heyuan. Characterizing the inequalities in urban public green space provision in Shenzhen, China[J].Habitat International, 2016, 56: 176-180.

[9]You, Heyuan. Quantifying urban fragmentation under economic transition in Shanghai city, China[J].Sustainability, 2016, 8(1), 20; Doi:10.3390/su8010020.

[10]You, Heyuan. Impact of urbanization on pollution-related agricultural input intensity in Hubei, China[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 62: 249-258.

[11]You, Heyuan. Quantifying the coordinated degree of urbanization in Shanghai, China[J].Quality & Quantity, 2016, 50(3): 1273-1283.

[12]You H, Zhang X. Ecoefficiency of Intensive Agricultural Production and Its Influencing Factors in China: An Application of DEA-Tobit Analysis[J].Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016, (2016-3-8), 2016, 2016(5):1-14.

[13]You, Heyuan. Assessing relationships between peasant household livelihood assets and regional agricultural pollution in China using Grey Correlation Analysis[J].Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 9(6): 460-465.

[14]游和远,吴次芳.供地控制指标引导产业碳排放的效率分析[J].经济地理, 2014, (3): 136-141.

[15]游和远,吴次芳.农地集约利用的碳排放效率分析与低碳优化[J].农业工程学报, 2014, (2): 224-234.

[16]游和远.地权激励对农户农地转出的影响及农地产权改革启示[J].中国土地科学, 2014, (7): 17-23.

[17]游和远,吴次芳,鲍海君.农地流转、非农就业与农地转出户福利-来自黔浙鲁农户的证据[J].农业经济问题, 2013, (3): 16-25.

[18]游和远,吴次芳,林宁,等.基于数据包络分析的土地利用生态效率评价[J].农业工程学报, 2011, (3), 309-315.

[19]You, Heyuan. Effect of farmland regulation on farmland rental in China: an empirical study of peasant households[J].Advances in Information Sciences & Service Sciences, 2012, 4(17): 467-476.

[20]游和远,吴次芳.农地流转、禀赋依赖与农村劳动力转移[J].管理世界, 2010, (3), 65-75.

[21]游和远,吴次芳.土地利用的碳排放效率及其低碳优化-基于能源消耗的视角[J].自然资源学报, 2010, (11): 1875-1886.

[22]游和远,吴次芳,沈萍.土地利用结构与能源消耗碳排放的关联测度及其特征解释[J].中国土地科学, 2010, (11): 4-9.

[23]游和远,吴次芳,林宁,等.耕地占用税与耕地数量变化的动态模拟及政策启示-浙江省的实证研究[J].中国土地科学, 2009, (11): 38-44.









